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Please use this form to let us know you would like to participate in the extended pilot program for the teaching of The Curriculum Curriculum.

Once this form has been completed you will receive access to the electronic files for The Unbroken Curriculum.

How we are changing the way our students are learning.


Where does this curriculum fit within our school environment?

This curriculum is unique because it is not limited to the confines of just one subject within a school, nor is it constrained by only a particular grade-level.  This curriculum can be implemented in a tested subject, or one without standardized testing.  It has pre-aligned standards, so you, as an educator, can pick up this curriculum and dive in without the stress of scrambling for substantiation.  District leaders and Campus Administrators can feel confident in the implementation of this curriculum, not only because of the standards-driven activities, but the proven success and positive impact throughout classrooms and ultimately, entire campuses.